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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Sample paragraph from today's lesson 1st Feb 2011

Even though the typical itinerant worker of the 1930s tended to lead a lonely life, George and Lennie, the protagonists of the novel, are different. They travel around together and prevent each other from feeling the solitude that other characters in the novel may feel. Throughout the novel, Lennie says (and often shouts in excitement) that “I got you an’ you got me.” Through this, Steinbeck is suggesting that Lennie and George look out for each other and this sets them apart from other characters in the novel such as  Crooks, who is completely desolate.  Even though at times, George gets frustrated with Lennie insults him by constantly calling him a “crazy bastard”, George does not want Lennie to leave him. He even says to Lennie “I want you to stay”. The word “want” suggests a deep desire. Lennie is more to George than a mere nuisance – indeed some would argue that George wants the dream farm more for Lennie than for himself, which suggests a deep care and affection.

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